Soho Review - The Extraordinary Process 'Exhibition'

Soho Review - The Extraordinary Process 'Exhibition'


Soho Review - The Extraordinary Process 'Exhibition'

The Extraordinary Process exhibition was inspired from a conversation between the late Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher discussing innovation and how collaboration might be put to use across the creative disciplines to shape tomorrow’s world. This lead to an exhibition being curated by Maison Mais Non, at the Soho Review gallery showing multi disciplinary artists and designers working across Architecture, Fasion and the arts.

We were asked to produce a film installation to be exhibited at the show which would become Lou Stoppard interviewing Patrick Schumacher and Hans Ulrich Obrist continuing on similar themes. In addition to this we also assisted with installation, fabrication and the setting up of the show.

From us
Production, Design & Build

Maison Mais Non & Soho Review

Iris van Herpen | Patrik Schumacher | Krystyna Kozhoma | Peter Do | Phoebe English | Stephen Jones